Thursday 25 July 2013

On the road again!

We are officially en route to Lourdes! Itching to get there as every moment we edge closer and closer.

It seems we've done so much already! We met up at 6:45 albeit still yawning but excited for the journey ahead. We had our Coach leaving mass, with family and friends celebrating with us. Even a few ex-c4 members came down in support. Once a c4 always a c4!

At the end of mass we picked our prayer partner from hearts we wrote our names on and decorated at the very first meeting. The persons heart you have is someone you pray for during the week. It's nice to know somebody is looking out for you, not that you ever know...everybody just looks after each other anyway!

At the moment spirits are still quite high, and the veterans towards the back of the coach are leading us in singing and chanting. We love the back row warriors we do oh back row warriors we love you! After had a nice long stop we're feeling quite refreshed and hopefully ready for the next 20 or so hours. When you put it like that it seems a lifetime, but so far we've been quite entertained by a game of Irish Bingo and a quiz. Due to popular demand we're watching Monsters Inc - you can't beat a nice animated film to start off right!

As I post this we'll be about to get on the ferry for a nice short crossing, before a tranquil ride through France complete with lots more films before settling down and trying to get some sleep! We need all 
Our next post will occur the next time internet access can be found which will be in Lourdes itself! It's a lovely thought to know we'll be there in a matter of hours. I can almost hear the Ave Maria chimes of the Basilica calling our names...

N.B. some questions about commenting on the blog have been asked. I think at the bottom of each post there is a link to "post comment" and you can sign in using a google account/possibly sign in as a guest. But tweeting @coach4wiganleig is a sure way to get in contact plus share around! So as ever....stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Safe journey to you all. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and enjoy the trip
    Best Wishes
    Andrea Westhead
