Monday 22 July 2013

Starting the Journey...

Hello! Welcome to the Coach 4 blog! A place to keep up with Coach 4 goings on and Lourdes experiences.

As I write this, our pilgrimage to Lourdes is only a mere 3 days away. But that is not the beginning. Christine (that's our lovely Coach Leader) always tells us that going on pilgrimage starts the moment you send off your form; as you sign off your name and race to get a place on your coach of choice. You are saying "yes" and making the decision to open yourself up to the opportunity.

Saying "yes" isn't always an easy thing. Even as a weathered old hack going for the third time(!), I am still just a mixture of excitement and nerves and anticipation. I'm sure there are few newbies going for the first time who maybe felt a bit of apprehension. Hopefully most of these fears have already been resolved in the meetings we've had throughout the year. We've learned about our Pilgrims, how to talk to them and care for them safely, taking their thoughts and feelings into consideration. We've also looked at our own personal reasons for coming to Lourdes, and explored this years theme - "Opening the Door of Faith".

Perhaps most importantly, we have started on this journey together as a Coach. Getting to know each other through meetings and fundraisers, and making the friends that ultimately become our family for a week. Even in the toughest times when you've sung your heart out in the infamous Genève the night before, then having got up really early you've found yourself feeling a little tired and are struggling pushing your pilgrim up a nice big hill. Somebody will come and talk to you, give you support and make sure you keep that smile on your face. 

This is what Lourdes is all about. Over 450 young people from the Liverpool Archdiocese come together and make the journey to Lourdes. But that's just one strata of the entire. We have our Coach Leaders and Staff Members. The Priests and Chaplains, the St Frai team, the Hospitalite, of course the Liverpool Pilgrims themselves. Plus all of the thousands of people in Lourdes, both Pilgrims and volunteers, celebrating and experiencing along with us. Then we have everyone else. The parents, the parishioners, the friends. Anybody who is keeping up with the pilgrimage via twitter, watching our youtube videos, or even reading/commenting on this blog! We are all supporting each other, and all have a piece of the puzzle that comes together to create the bigger picture - our pilgrimage.

Whatever part you are playing - whether you are physically coming along with us, or just offering your support...lets hope for a fantastic journey.

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